Position: Third Grade Teacher
Birthday: January 8th
Favorite Snacks & Drinks: Fruit, popcorn, coffee, and flavored water
Favorite Restaurants: Luciana's, El Toro, and Ale Emporium
Favorite Stores: GNC, Marshalls, and Kroger
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Favorite Flower: Roses
Favorite Sports/Team: Tulane University Football
Hobbies/Interests: I love to workout and lift weights and take long walks!
Birthday: January 8th
Favorite Snacks & Drinks: Fruit, popcorn, coffee, and flavored water
Favorite Restaurants: Luciana's, El Toro, and Ale Emporium
Favorite Stores: GNC, Marshalls, and Kroger
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Favorite Flower: Roses
Favorite Sports/Team: Tulane University Football
Hobbies/Interests: I love to workout and lift weights and take long walks!