Position: Social Worker
Birthday: January 26th
Favorite Snacks & Drinks: Coffee, Diet Coke, popcorn, and anything chocolate
Favorite Restaurants: Chick-fil-a
Favorite Stores: Target
Favorite Color: Blue and Purple
Favorite Flower: Hydrangeas
Favorite Sports/Teams: Notre Dame
Hobbies/Interests: Crafts, DIY projects, and spending time with family
Birthday: January 26th
Favorite Snacks & Drinks: Coffee, Diet Coke, popcorn, and anything chocolate
Favorite Restaurants: Chick-fil-a
Favorite Stores: Target
Favorite Color: Blue and Purple
Favorite Flower: Hydrangeas
Favorite Sports/Teams: Notre Dame
Hobbies/Interests: Crafts, DIY projects, and spending time with family